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13 secrets to building a six-figure doula business

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A 2023 Future Market Insights analysis1 of the doula industry showed a 6% expansion in the market share for doulas and birth coaching businesses. The market for these services is expected to reach $25.7 million by 2033. Many of these birth professionals earn $100,000 or more.

The need for doulas is predicted to rise as states explore programs that would increase access to doula care. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services2 (DHHS) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) published a brief in December 2022 that mentioned federal support to expand the perinatal workforce, which includes doulas and nurse midwives.

As the founder of Parentswarm, an online directory for parent-support professionals, I've had the privilege of connecting with thousands of doulas building thriving businesses.

Along the way, I've observed several key strategies the most successful birth workers employ to reach $100,000 in income or more while maintaining sustainable businesses and personal lives:

Tips from top birth doulas

  1. Claim your online presence
  2. Build trust with social proof
  3. Find your niche
  4. Design services that light you up
  5. Price ambitiously
  6. Teach what you know
  7. Create evergreen products
  8. Nurture past clients
  9. Authentic social media
  10. Set sacred boundaries
  11. Find your mentor
  12. Collaborate with heart
  13. Make referrals a breeze

1. Claim your online presence 

Stake your claim on every corner of the internet where parents might search for support. Start with the biggies: Google My Business, Yelp and Facebook. But don't stop there. Get listed on parent directories like, neighborhood sites like Nextdoor, and community boards. 

Your online presence is your 24/7 open house, so make it inviting! Craft bios that showcase your personality and expertise, use consistent, professional photos across all platforms, and ensure your contact info is front and center. The goal? When a sleep-deprived parent searches for “best doula near me” at 2 a.m., your warm, trustworthy face is the first they see.

2. Build trust with social proof 

In birth work, trust isn't just nice — it's necessary. Parents are inviting you into one of life's most vulnerable moments. Show them you're worth it with a mountain of social proof: testimonials, reviews, awards, certifications, media mentions and endorsements.

When each contract concludes, make it ridiculously easy for those clients to leave glowing reviews and 5-star ratings by texting them a link directly to the review site on Yelp, Google or a form for your website.

Share these testimonials everywhere: your website, social media, even in your email signature. Post photos (with permission) of you in action, supporting families. Display your certifications proudly; they show your commitment to excellence. 

3. Find your niche 

The doula field is blooming, and that's beautiful. But it also means you can't be the vanilla ice cream of doulas anymore. 

Maybe you're the doula who speaks three languages, perfect for your city's diverse families. Or you specialize in supporting parents through grief, bringing light to dark times.

Perhaps you're the go-to for NICU families or second-time parents seeking a VBAC. Find what lights you up, what problem you solve better than anyone, and own what makes you different. Dive deep, gain expertise, and let your unique flavor shine in your branding.

4. Design services that light you up 

When building your service offerings menu, looking at the websites of others in your field can give great ideas, but to really thrive as a six-figure doula business, focus internally. What brought you to this work? 

Was it the magic of aromatherapy during your own labor? Create a package around that. Obsessed with infant massage and its bond-building power? Make that a centerpiece. Look at your bookshelf—what topics keep calling you? Those are clues.

Think about clients who made you think, “I'd do this for free!” What were you doing for them? Design 5-8 services around what energizes you, fills gaps in your market, and aligns with your superpowers. When you're lit up, clients feel the warmth.

5. Price ambitiously

We're nurturers, so it can feel icky to think about the money. But listen: every family deserves a doula, and every doula deserves to thrive. With more insurance and employers covering our services, families are increasingly seeing the value of paying a premium for the work we offer. 

So, price like the pro you are. Research your market, then go a bit higher. You're not just a hand to hold; you're a skilled professional impacting lifelong health. Include one premium, “OMG, she must be amazing!” package.

It anchors your value high and makes other packages look like steals. For lower-income families, offer a sliding scale or a giving fund sponsored by clients or local businesses looking to support growing families. You can serve all, without selling yourself short, especially if you have a doula certification to back up your high value.

6. Teach what you know 

You're a wisdom-keeper, not just a womb-whisperer. Share that knowledge! Your niche is the perfect launchpad for lucrative courses. Partner with local baby boutiques or hospitals for free space, then roll out workshops like “Hypnobirthing for Skeptics” or “Postpartum Meal Prep Magic.” 

These classes are gold: you earn more serving multiple families at once, and they get to experience your vibe firsthand. Don't stop at parents, either. Other birth workers crave your unique skills.

“iPhone Birth Photography 101” or “Mastering Social Media for Doulas” could be your next hit. Teaching cements your expert status and diversifies your income. Win-win!

7. Create evergreen products 

Reality check: there's only one you, with limited hours and energy. Enter: evergreen products, that earn money without your ongoing work. 

Think e-books like “50 Affirmations for Birth Goddesses” or “The Fourth Trimester Survival Guide.” Pre-film online courses on packing the perfect hospital bag or sibling preparation. Create checklists, trackers, or a labor playlist that parents can buy with a click.

These products showcase your expertise, serve families you can't physically reach, and keep your income flowing even during your well-deserved vacations. It's working smarter, not just harder, doula-style.

8. Nurture past clients 

Your past clients are more than fond memories — they're your ultimate brand ambassadors. Keep that connection alive! Host an annual “Doula Babies” tea party. Picture it: toddlers munching cookies, parents swapping stories, and you, beaming at the little ones you helped welcome.

Use this heart-warming event to share your latest offerings, like sibling doula services or preschooler sleep consulting. Remind them gently that you're always seeking new families to support. They'll leave with full hearts, ready to rave about you to every expectant friend. Your next clients are in their playgroups!

9. Authentic social media 

Forget the algorithm chase. Social media isn't about going viral; it's your digital living room where clients get cozy with your style. 

Pick 1-2 platforms where your dream clients hang out. Then, be unapologetically you. Share a behind-the-scenes of your birth bag prep, your favorite post-birth meal delivery, or a quick tip on perineal healing. Comment on others' posts with genuine insights or encouragement.

You're the empathetic pro; let that personality shine! Consistent, authentic content turns followers into clients who already feel like they know you.

10. Set sacred boundaries 

Doulas, we hold space for others beautifully. Now, let's hold it for ourselves. Boundaries aren't selfish; they're the guardrails keeping you from burnout boulevard. 

Envision your ideal week. Is it no overnight calls? A month off every summer? Two clients per month? Write it down. Sure, babies come when they come, but having a north star helps. Communicate these boundaries upfront in contracts and interviews. Most clients will respect them, even appreciate that you model self-care. When life throws curveballs (hello, surprise twins!), you'll have the reserves to flex without breaking. 

Sustainable boundaries mean you'll be able to continue this work for decades.

11. Find your mentor

Even doulas need doulas — of the business kind. Every birth work leader I know credits a mentor or coach for their success. Why? Birth work is intense, emotionally and logistically.

A seasoned guide gets it. They've navigated the middle-of-the-night texts, the marketing hurdles, the postpartum blues (yours and clients'). They'll share hard-won wisdom, tough love when you're undercharging, and champagne emojis for your wins. They'll remind you why you started when a challenging client has you doubting. 

Investing in a mentor isn't an expense; it's rocket fuel for your confidence, strategy, and bottom line. Find a business coach or mentor. Your future six-figure self will thank you, and you can return the favor in years to come.

12. Collaborate with heart

Our work is rooted in the village mindset, so let's build that village professionally too. Seek out complementary pros—the lactation expert, the postpartum nutritionist, the prenatal chiropractor.

Co-host an Instagram Live on “The First 48 Hours: Boobs, Bellies, and Backs.” Create a podcast miniseries, “Fourth Trimester Dream Team.” Join forces for a charity auction supporting postpartum mental health.

These collaborations are magical. You offer clients a more holistic journey. You cross-pollinate audiences and referrals. Most importantly, you build a network of colleagues who truly get your world. In this heart-centered hustle, community over competition isn't just nice—it's profitable.

13. Make referrals a breeze 

We all want to sing your praises, but life's chaotic, especially with little ones. So, make it toddler-level easy for folks to refer you. Design gorgeous, information-packed brochures and business cards. Leave stacks with OBGYNs, yoga studios, even that boutique with the best nursing bras.

Write shareable social media captions (“Meet @YourName, the doula who got me through 30 hours of back labor with nothing but her magic hands and playlists! 🙌 She's booking for summer: [email protected]”).

Draft a referral email they can forward with a click. The easier you make it, the more your phone will buzz with new client inquiries. Effortless referrals? That's working smarter, doula-style.

And there you have it! Your roadmap to not just a six-figure income, but a doula business that's as nourishing for you as it is for the families you serve. It's about showing up authentically, working smarter, and never losing sight of why you began — to make a profound difference, one birth at a time.

If you want to explore other potentially high-earning career opportunities, check out these posts:


  1. “Doula and Birth Coaching Services Market,” by Sudip Saha. Future Market Insights Inc. July 2023.
  2. “Health Resources and Services Administration Announces Availability of New Funding to Support Community-Based Doulas,” U.S. Department of Healthy and Human Services. April 1, 2022.

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