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About Emma Johnson


Hello! My name is Emma Johnson and my goal is to help you build a full, awesome life as a single mom.

I started when I realized a huge need for community, information and inspiration for women like me:

Professional single moms.

Immediately after launching in 2012, tens of thousands of women every month started visiting, commenting and connecting on The media started calling. Something special was going on.

There is an unprecedented number of women parenting alone. We’re not going away. There are 16 million U.S. unmarried moms heading families, and 64 percent millennial moms have a child outside of marriage. 

This is an incredible moment in history that affords unpartnered women more opportunity than ever to raise amazing, healthy children while also building wildly successful businesses and careers – and enjoy dating and the pursuit of romantic love. I’m one of them. So are you. But moms like you don’t always feel like they fit in. So they come here.

This single-mom business is not easy. On the tough days it is stressful, exhausting and lonely. But life as a single mom can be brilliantly fulfilling – even if you don’t stay a single mom forever (hello, dating!). I am here to help single moms like you build an amazing family, career and romantic life.

Bestselling single mom book author

Penguin published my book, The Kickass Single Mom: Be Financially Independent, Discover Your Sexiest Self, and Raise Fabulous, Happy Children (Penguin)It hit Amazon’s #1 bestseller list, was named by the New York Post as a ‘Smart, Must-Read’ and got shout-outs in more than 150 media outlets.

I also wrote The 50/50 Solution: The Surprisingly Simple Choice that Makes Moms, Dads, and Kids Happier and Healthier after a Split (Sourcebooks, March, 2024)

Here I am on The Doctors:

Emma Johnson in the media and on TV

I have been in the media hundreds of times, as a journalist and expert on single-parent topics. As an expert, I have been invited to write op-eds for the New York Times and Newsweek, profiled in the New York Post and appeared on CNN, Headline News, the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, U.S. News, Inc., MONEY magazine, TIME magazine, CBS Marketwatch, Woman’s Day, NPR, Fox&Friends,, Jenny McCarthy Radio, and hundreds of others.

Follow the Wealthysinglemommy channel.

Awards and shout-outs include:

  • Parents magazine named Wealthysinglemommy ‘Best of the Web.’
  • New York Observer named me to its “9 Most Eligible Singles” list.
  • My podcast, Like a Mother, was named by U.S. News as a ‘Top Personal Finance Podcast.’

My articles about single motherhood

I have been a professional journalist since I began my career, starting in community newspapers, then at the Associate Press Financial Wire in New York City, then as a full-time business freelance journalist. Here are some places I have been published:

Elle: I Thought I Won My Divorce. Then I Realized Standard Custody Is Court-Sanctioned Sexism

SUCCESS: How to Get It All Done as a Single Mom Solopreneur

Oprah: 3 Keys to Surviving Financially as a Single Mom

Forbes: Why Does the $3T Travel Industry Discriminate Against Single Moms?

TIME: The Parenting Fantasy that Holds Women Back

U.S. News: Self-care for Single Moms

New York Times has interviewed me about motherhood, invited me to write an op-ed on working parents, and covered my book party:

emma johnson new york times

Here I am on Fox & Friends, where I am a frequent (liberal) commentator on parenting issues (do you like my ‘Bitch, please’ face?).

And on CNBC:


I believe passionately that the only way for women and men to be equal is for all genders to earn, save and invest equally. It is impossible to close to gender gap if women are the presumed primary caretake of children — either inside coupled relationships, or co-parenting outside of marriage.

While a court cannot mandate equally shared parenting time and responsibility inside of a marriage, family and divorce courts have an incredible opportunity to stem the gender gap by mandating equally shared parenting for separated and divorced families.

I advocate for:

This sums it up:

As does this:

I speak on this topic frequently in the media (whether the media ask me to or not), and I launched Moms for Shared Parenting as a call for policy and cultural change to focus on the obvious benefits for children, women, men, equality and our society when parents share equally in raising children.

I have spoken about 50/50 parenting before numerous U.S. state legislative bodies, the United Nations Gender Equality Summit, Google and in 2024 a Scottish Parliament Members council.

This issue has been received positively in mainstream media including TIME, Parents magazine, Elle, Fox Business News, Forbes and CNBC.

#1 top single mom blog

This is not a brag. is the largest single-mom community in the world. It is not just a blog for divorced single moms. It is for all single moms — never-married, separated, widowed, divorced, babies out of casual hook-ups, committed partnerships, gay and straight. We are living in 2024 right along with you.

Emma Johnson professional bio

Emma Johnson is a business journalist, gender equality activist, #1 best-selling author of The Kickass Single Mom (Penguin), and The 50/50 Solution (Sourcebooks) and founder of, the world's largest platform for single moms.

A former newspaper and Associated Press reporter, Emma has been featured on New York Times, Wall Street Journal, CNN, Headline News,  CNBC, NPR, TIME, O, The Oprah Magazine, The Doctors, and many more.

Emma frequently speaks on family and gender, including at the United Nations Summit for Gender Equality, Google and before a council of Scottish Parliament Members. She is founder of Moms for Shared Parenting, an activist organization aimed at making equally shared parenting after divorce the norm in both culture and policy.

Emma grew up in Sycamore, Ill. with a single mom and two brothers. Today she lives in Richmond, Va., with her son and daughter.

Contact me

Learn more about how to work with Emma and profit from data generated by hundreds of thousands of single moms.

Via the contact page or [email protected], or follow on social:

@johnsonemma on Twitter

@thejohnsonemma on Instagram





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