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How to repair credit after divorce and protect your finances

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Divorce or a breakup with a live-in partner can be one of the most vulnerable times in life — including when it comes to your credit score and online identity. Divorce can indirectly impact your credit depending on your financial circumstances.

6 steps to repair your credit after divorce

Here are some ways to rebuild credit or protect your finances during and after divorce:

  1. Know your credit score and numbers
  2. Understand how debt is divided in divorce
  3. Open new accounts in your name
  4. Get rid of shared accounts
  5. Contact your lenders
  6. Stay diligent about your finances

See if you qualify for credit repair:

1. Know your credit score and numbers

If you don’t already know it, get clear about your credit score and report. Pull your credit history right away.

Understand which accounts are in your name, which are in your partner’s, and how much is owed. You may discover accounts you did not know about.

You may also get a wake-up call about how involved you actually were (or were not) in the family finances.

Experian Boost offers a free credit score, as well as the ability to boost your score immediately by as much as 18 points by considering your utility bill payment history.

2. Understand how debt is divided in divorce

Talk to a lawyer or otherwise research how property, assets and debts are divided in a breakup or divorce in your state. You may be legally protected from credit card, medical debt, student loans and other debt your partner took on — or maybe you are legally responsible. An attorney can help you find out.

Jay Mota, a certified financial planner (CFP) and certified divorce financial analyst (CDFA) based in New York City, says most states are equitable distribution states, which means property/debt is fairly but not equally distributed. There are 9 states, however, that are community property states, where all property/debt is divided equally:

  • Arizona
  • California
  • Idaho
  • Louisiana
  • Nevada
  • New Mexico
  • Texas
  • Washington
  • Wisconsin

“In most cases, if the debt is joint marital debt or if the debt is under one spouse’s name but accrued during the marriage and used for marital purposes, then the debt can be considered marital,” Mota says.

Loans obtained before or after the marriage are typically considered the borrower’s responsibility.

“It is important to note that no matter what the resolution is with your divorce, creditors do not care,” Mota says. “If you are not responsible for the debt by way of divorce settlement, you are still responsible for the debt to the creditor.”

In other words, if your name is attached to the debt and your ex does not pay it, you could be held financially liable.

Mota advises his clients to answer the 4-W’s and H to figure out if they'll be liable for debt in divorce:

  1. Who – took out the line of credit?
  2. What – is the type of credit?
  3. When – was the credit started?
  4. Why – was the credit obtained?
  5. How – has the debt been paid during the marriage?

He says knowing this information will allow you to chart out what will be and will not be your responsibility during and post-divorce.

3. Open new accounts in your name

If you don’t already have a checking account and credit card that are in your name, and your name only, go to your local bank branch and do that today.

Deposit paychecks into these accounts, and start charging on the new card — as well as paying it monthly before the due date (set up auto payments to make this easy).

This builds credit fast if you have none, or can quickly improve your score if it is low.

4. Get rid of shared accounts

Close joint accounts. Also, remove your ex from any of your accounts for which he or she is an authorized user, and ask your name be removed from their accounts if you are an authorized user there.

If both your names are on a checking or savings account, then both of you can take out all the money.

Likewise, if you share a credit card, line of credit (like a home equity loan) or personal loan, your partner can max out the debt without your approval, and you could be legally responsible for it.

Also, if your partner promises to make timely payments, but does not, that could affect your credit score as well.

A secured credit card is a good way to get a credit card if you have a low credit score, or no credit history. A secured credit card requires you put down a cash deposit, then you can charge against that sum.

5. Contact your lenders

For accounts on which both you and your partners’ name appear, officially notify lenders, banks and credit cards of your divorce.

Send a certified letter with a copy of the divorce decree, ask that they provide a current account statement and tell them that you do not intend to be held liable for any debt accumulated after the date of the letter.

Request the account be put on inactive status so no new additional charges may be added, and that once the balance is paid in full, the account is to be closed completely.

6. Stay diligent about your finances

One of the most common-sense — and also tedious ways — to protect your credit — is to stay on top of all finances like a hawk.

How to be a financially successful single mom, including how I did it!

Pay bills on time

Regardless of what your soon-to-be ex-promises, or what a separation or divorce decree requires, take responsibility for paying bills on time each month. Your credit score will be affected if they are not paying on time, and that will cost you.

Get all statements sent directly to you each month. Open them all. 

Set up automatic payments 

You’re managing a lot. Don’t forget to pay your bills. Set up automatic payments so you don’t have to remember to pay on time.

Create a budget

Set up a budget that you can stick to, easily. Keep track of spending habits and what you earn or could earn, and focus on saving.

Create a financial plan for both the short and long term 

While you may need to repay debt and build a savings cushion now, set your sights on big goals, too. This can include starting a business, going back to school, buying a house or condo, and investing for retirement.

FAQs about credit and divorce 

Have more questions about improving your credit after divorce? Get answers to other frequently asked questions:

How does divorce affect credit?

Divorce does not directly affect your credit. However, the cost of attorneys, affording two homes instead of one, and other expenses related to the divorce or separation process often set back people financially — which can lead to debt and credit problems. 

Your marital status is not listed on your credit report. However, nearly 100% of the time, divorce does trigger dramatic changes in each spouse's financial pictures, which can affect your credit.

Further, because couples' finances are so intertwined, one spouse's poor credit can impact the other's if precautionary steps are not taken. For example, if you shared joint credit accounts or your ex’s name is still on an active account, your score could be affected.

Why is it so important to make your credit score a priority if you’re going to divorce?

Divorce is usually very stressful, and even if you are glad to be splitting up, there are a lot of details they have to be taken care of. This means that it’s easy for bills to slip through the cracks. One late payment can cause an otherwise excellent credit score to drop by 50, 75 points or more, it is important to try to make sure that bills are paid on time.

In addition, after divorce you will often need good credit to rent or buy a new place to live or get utility services without a deposit. You may decide to hunt for a better paying job or start a small business, both of which may involve credit checks. And let's face it: if your credit does take a nosedive, it's not going to be fun having the reminder of that time in your life coming back to haunt you several years later when you’re filling out applications for credit.

Credit scores are one of the most critical pieces of recovering financially from a divorce. Credit scores are also one of the most overlooked pieces post-divorce, as I've found by communicating with thousands of my dear blog readers.

Does your spouse’s debt become yours after divorce?

If you live in a community property state, where assets and debts are divided equally, your spouse’s debt accumulated during the marriage is likely to become half yours. In other states, how much of your partner’s debt you take on, if any, will be determined by the court. That is, unless you agree on how to divide things on your own or work with a mediator. 

How many years does it take to rebuild credit?

According to credit bureau Experian1, most negative marks can stay on your credit report for seven to 10 years. Mota says there are multiple factors that determine how long it will take to rebuild a low credit score. 

Experian provides these examples for how long different negative marks can affect your score: 

  • Late and missed payments: 7 years
  • Collection accounts: 7 years
  • Chapter 13 bankruptcy: 7 years
  • Chapter 7 bankruptcy: 10 years
  • Credit inquiries: 2 years

How do I rebuild my credit after divorce?

It is possible to rebuild bad credit after divorce. The rules for credit repair are the same, except that after divorce, make sure that you keep an eye on your credit score and report to ensure that your ex does not steal your identity and accrue debt in your name. Remember, here are some other ways to rebuild your credit:

  • Maintain your own accounts and open your own bank account if you don’t already have one
  • Focus on living within your means
  • Build your income
  • Remove your ex from any joint credit cards or other accounts


  1. “How Long Does It Take to Rebuild Credit?” August 27, 2020. Experian.
Does getting divorced ruin your credit?

The act of divorce does not hurt your credit. However, the cost of attorneys, affording two homes instead of one, and other expenses related to the divorce or separation process often set back people financially.

What happens to credit after divorce?

Technically, divorce does not trigger anything on your credit score, history or report. However, nearly 100% of the time, divorce does trigger dramatic changes in each spouse's financial pictures, which can affect your credit.


Divorce can ruin credit and I can attest to that first hand. I’m still trying to get the mortgage payments off the house i no longer live in for 8 years now. It’s pathetic.

I love how detailed the review is on this article. might have taken an advice or two from it.

How long will you be wasting your time with the wrong people trying to get your credit fixed or take down negatives from your credit .. well You should get in contact with WEBOWLHACK5 AT GMAIL DOT COM , he’s actually the best person to help you in this field .. he was able to get my credit fixed and boosted up witrghin just 3 weeks .. All thanks to him .. make sure to contact him today and get that rest of mind you need

The best move I have made in my life is to get professional assistance from firewallbreachexpert a(t) gm(a)il do(t) com in fixing my credit issues! You can trust they will definitely have your back. I’m really impressed.

Great article. This is a topic that few people discuss (repairing credit after divorce) and I think you covered most of the bases. I would just add that hiring a credit repair company won’t necessarily make the credit repair process any faster. And in many cases, credit repair companies can drag their feet as it’s in their best interest to have you as a client for longer.

As i choose to be anonymous on this post with No doubt that credit score report negatives impact of the past will fade as time goes on but might take 2 or more years base on my lender and co-borrowers.But i have the opportunity to share my experience of legit work.i took time to get my bills and debts settled in order to secure AG loan for my farm.i was pushed into influencing my credit score with Generationxweenie at GmaiL Dot Com,At first all hope was lost after some inquiries,delinquency incurred by my nephew made it unrealistic at a very short period of time.I do not know what magic or how it was done that i got raised by exact points of 270 needed for the process and those negatives deleted.i have a great relief message that hackers can do a lot irrespective of the security when you come across the one with good soul…you can thank me later for giving out such personal information …

My son talked to a hacker about my terrible credit score ,he got a response and forwarded my details which includes my ssn and phone no without my consent.I doubted his ability because I have heard many of my friends fall victims of fake experts.Mine was so terrible I can’t access any loan.

it took a new shape after about a week ,without no doubt fico score can be raised and debts can erased likewise ,loans can still be approved.i would have preferred not to mention the companies name but who knows ,who is in need of a repairer like generationxweenie ,who can be reached if gmail is added as an address.

i have never Be so happy as I have been a couple of days score is also life threatening ailment.

My husband and I recently sold a home and loan is paid off. We looked at our credit reports before getting preapproved to start looking for another home. We found that the payment for our home loan had been reported late for 24 consecutive months. It looks like a partial payment was applied to the principal on the loan instead of the payment amount due and through the payment off. I contacted the loan officer, due to our closeness he told me secretly that the quickest way to get it cleared up was to looked for a credit expert I told him I don’t know anyone who could help me out then he introduced me to Tom who’s a former Experian worker. I contact him via email at (tom.lawrence114 at g mail com) I explained everything to him and he assure me he will help me get my credit fixed after we bot got an agreement, to my greatest surprised every debt on our credit was marked as paid, the 24 consecutive late payment had been corrected to on time payment. We applied for a home and we were approved

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